Kontes inilah yang saya ikuti 1tahun yang lalu. Kontes ini diselenggarakan oleh GOI Peace foundation dan atas kerjasama dari UNESCO. Saya tahu kalau ada kontes ini,yaitu dari grup Japanlunatic *facebook. Sebenarnya saya hanya coba coba mengikuti kontes seperti ini. Lagi pula juga ada hadiah yang layak didapatkan jika esay yang dibuat itu menarik. Nah dari situlah niat untuk membuat sebuah karangan mengenai perdamaian dunia itu dimulai. Temanya yaitu My Role in Creating a Peaceful World. Singkat saja, dan seperti inilah karangan yang saya buat.
Creating Awareness of Youth in the
World's Desire
We all know that we are human beings who live with all the limitations.
But it did not dampen the spirit of the limitations we are to continue to work, create the best. Appear to be the best motivation is that we always do not get bored in work.
We may not be a president who can easily create a policy, we may not be the superhero who can save the world from destruction. Although, we're human, what is wrong if we have such fancies create world peace? Creating world peace is not easy. It may be hard to do if alone. But we could create a harmonious world by bringing together existing plurality. So basically, we have put together to mingle with each other in order to create a comfortable and peaceful atmosphere in each individual.
Based on the above themes, the desired vision of the world is prosperity for all mankind. Peace. Peace and calm, at peace within yourself, not war, disintegration, there is no conflict in relationships between countries or mistakes in leading a country that would soon lead to poverty, demonstrations everywhere, and others. If all does not go as planned, it would trigger war or disharmony of relationships.
To achieve all this, we need to do mission are as follows:
1st. Cultivating a sense of unity of all mankind.
2nd. No differences based on race, ethnicity and religion.
3rd. Appreciate what others point out.
4th. Eliminate attitudes ethnocentrism.
Given that, it is possible to create a peaceful world is within our GRASP. Everyone already has a positive role to transform the world into a better direction. We explore how people just to bring myself to make the world a peaceful and harmonious. Actually this is not too difficult to do. We only need each other and holding hands to see all without distinction.
We must have confidence that peace in the world community can come true. This effort is part of knocking on the conscience of all parties so that they are aware of the importance of a peace.
All parties had demanded an active role in the peace effort. Domestically, for example, peace is not only the duty of government to make it happen, but also the community.
we hope there will be a global movement calling for peace, so that peace gradually both at the international level can be realized. No more endless conflict in society.
If world peace is defined as the absence of hostility, violence and conflict, not only between countries and regions, but between individuals, world peace will mean the end of violence throughout the world and the institutions that rely on the threat of violence to maintain their existence. Because the world is now full of communal violence, which is based on ethnic and religious differences.
Therefore, various programs on the spread of values education for peace and give emphasis to the younger generation to participate in world peace efforts could be made of efforts to make this world peaceful.
As the young generation we must also continue to practice all concepts and efforts aimed at implementing the emergence of peace and eliminate violence. Work together to spread the teachings of affection, love, and peace among humankind can also be as a main pillar of the establishment of international relations. Establishment of national relations alone will fully formed without any difference to the other viewpoint. Actually, no need to national relations. For example, my own. I was born in INDONESIA, which could be called the archipelago's diverse ethnic groups. In INDONESIA there are tens or even hundreds of ethnic groups. But WE never fuss about these tribes. Let each person uphold customary law. Because it is their heritage. From the essence, we are born as a heterogeneous nation. From here also we try to unify the existing customs without seeing discrimination, became the nation intact.
In essence, although We have Every Different roles in making this world in harmony, in this process We must always be supported by Others in order to fully intertwined strong bond. Uphold pluralism, respect all people, do not let selfishness, hedonism, ethnocentrism mastering ourselves. Because it will slow the formation that we make in the near future.
Kurang lebih seperti itulah saya yang saya buat. Sebenarnya saya tidak membuat esay itu sendirian. Ada seorang teman yang rela meluangkan waktunya untuk membantu saya dalam membuat esay ini. Kami *lebih tepatnya,banyak bertukar pikiran mengenai karangan yang ingin kami buat itu. Hampir 1 bulan kami menyelesaikan karangan itu. Dan syukur alhamdulillah karangan itu jadi dengan sempurna *menurut kami. Itu karena kami sudah berusaha mengerjakan karangan itu sebagus dan semenarik mungkin. Langsung saja kami kirim esay itu ke email GOI Peace foundation. Setelah itu kami hanya bisa berharap,"Apakah kami akan mendapatkan juara?". Entah umum atau kategori, yang penting bisa menyabet gelar juara.
Setelah 1 tahun kemudian, saya pun mendapatkan kiriman dari pihak GOI Peace Foundation. Dan ternyata,kiriman itu adalah sertifikat. Senang sekali rasanya,saat esay yang kami kirimkan itu ternyata benar benar mendapat respon.
Yah walaupun tidak menang, setidaknya kami sudah memeriahkan kontes ini dan turut bersifat simpati-empati atas semua peristiwa yang terjadi dimuka bumi ini. Yang kami utarakan pula lewat karangan kami.
Tidak lupa saya ucapkan kepada terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah terlibat dalam pembuatan esay ini.
Deny Sendi : Terima kasih atas ide idemu ya :D
Sony Sensei : Terima kasih atas buku kumpulan essay anda.